I was really excited about
Etsy, and I still am! While sales do have room to pick up once word gets out there, I have had some success already and it's encouraging. I've gotten a few nibbles on custom sales too, with one being completed and sent to the USA just last month. :D (you can check out the proof of that one on my Etsy site, under
Below are some of the items I've got up there right now. If you're interested in any of them, you can only purchase them on the Etsy site.
Parkdale buckle on Bubinga wood, finished with a satin clear coat. |
Anchor buckle on Bubinga wood, finished with a satin clear coat. |
Buckle Up buckle on Bubinga wood, finished with a satin clear coat. |
Skeleton key buckle on Bubinga wood, finished with a satin clear coat. |
Leaside's Finest buckle on Bubinga wood, finished with a satin clear coat. |
I also sold some cufflinks to a favourite buyer of mine, and I hope the intended recipient loves them!
These 'links weren't burned, but rather left blank to show their
beautiful Bubingan grain. They were finished with a satin clear coat. |
I also add some blanks of the three woods that I currently use for buckles. The Zebrawood is hardest to burn on because the grain has many soft spots that are easy to scorch. Careful, careful!
From top to bottom: Zebrawood, Purpleheart, Bubinga.
All are finished in a satin clear coat. |
More items will be up soon, from my recent participation in Brock's Big Bite, in Beaverton. (Aug 14, 2011)
Adam Grant
Man of Craft
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