Hand cut; hand burned; hand painted

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Guitar Pick Holder Keyring

Guitar pick keyring pouches. Keep a guitar pick (or a bunch!) on you at all times with this stylish pick holder! Available at the Arts Market at 846 College Street. Best,Adam GrantMan of Cr...

Custom Canoe Paddles!

Here are three canoe paddles that were burned as Christmas gifts: a treeline, a turtle inspired by Native artwork, and a Brook Trout! All three have the initials of the recipient burned with a design of crossing arrows. Those who commissioned me for the artwork had each paddle made to size based on the person's height. I was glad I could do my part for these thoughtful gifts! Best, Adam Grant Man of Cra...

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Chamber of Secrets

I work at the University of Toronto Bookstore as a Direct to Garment (DTG) Printer. Here's the nameplate I fashioned for our new DTG storage room. Muggles beware. Best, Adam Grant Man of Cra...

Sunday, April 28, 2013


Hey Everyone! I'm working on some magnetic buttons, and the first to be made is very special: a Starfleet com-badge! Now with a quick tap, I can communicate with the bridge, engineering, or maybe the pizza delivery guy down in the lobby! Best, Adam Grant Man of Cr...

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The Carl Wagan Bookmobile!

Hello All! This Man of Craft was captured in a promotional video for The Carl Wagan Bookmobile! To be honest I'm not represented as a crafter here, but they do make it look like I know what I'm doing with a ukelele! Check out the link: Carl Wagan Promo Video They are doing great things engaging the community and getting people thinking and doing creative things - now that sounds pretty awesome to me! Best, Adam Grant Man of Craf...